Monday, March 22, 2010

School District Forbids Tuxes at Prom

It was recently brought to my attention that a high school girl in Mississippi was forbidden by the school district to wear pants. Welcome back, 1923, it's been a while.

So here's the deal: lesbian a wants to take her girlfriend, lesbian b, to prom, and lesbian A wants to wear a tuxedo. And would like to dance with lesbian b.

Is this an issue for the school district to weigh in on? I must think no.

Au contraire, mon frère.

The Windy City Times goes into more detail; but in a nutshell, the school distric has decided that canceling the prom for the whole school is a less painful option than allowing a gay couple to attend and - gasp! - slow dance together. I mean - what would people think?!?!?

Now, is it just me, or are these decisions terribly archaic, outdated, and ... well, pretty fucking insulting? I'm not so naive that I imagine the entire US population is with me on gay rights. Our ever-wise Maggie Gallagher, of the National Organization of Marriage, is a prime example of the ignorance that pervades plenty of activists and lobbyist throughout the country.

I at least thought we'd reached a point in this country that discrimination like this at least had to be veiled to get away with it. I'm disappointed in you, United States of America. I thought better of you, Mississippi. Perhaps you should take a look at the other end of the spectrum, at this L.A. high school crowning their flamer "queen" for prom.

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